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Github API Specify Previous Tag

I'm trying to figure out how to specify "Previous Tag" via queryparams in the release form automation, or via the Create Release API. Preferably Both.

Here is the feature in the UI documented as step 7 here.

previous tag for generated release notes

If there is no way to do this - where does one request a feature for github? Ex: Is there a github project for github?

Here are the documentation pages for the two ways to do this:

To repeat the question one more time:

How do we specify the specify the prerelease tag for release note autogen? - if unavailable, where does one request a feature for github?


  • Update:

    There is a separate API for generating the release notes, which accepts the previous_tag parameter.

    For the querystring, a feature request is open in the github feedback board. Vote for it go give it visbility, hopefully GitHub will take note and implement it.

    Original Answer:

    It does not look like you can configure it via queryparameters or the API yet. The documentation you shared seems to confirm that.

    GitHub has an open discussion board where you can propose features and they have previously shown that they work on topics that resound with the community.

    I don't see a fitting category for "Releases" right now, but you can probably fit it into the categories APIs and Integrations or General.