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Boost metaparse how to return custom types

I'm trying to create a simple parser with metaparse to demonstrate how I can return my own custom types.

If I had a custom type ValNum, how can I integrate this into a basic parser such that it is returned by the parser after matching a number? Apologies if this is trivial but I've been struggling to achieve this.

template<int Value>
struct ValNum {
    constexpr static int value = Value;


  • You can return custom types by using the transform function along with a metafunction.

    Here's a really quick example of returning a custom type (butchering the identity metafunction class they gave in the link and a couple over examples I found in their offical GitHub)

    // custom type here
    template<int Value>
    struct ValNum {
        constexpr static int value = Value;
    struct identity
      template <class T>
      struct apply
        // ValNum is my custom type
        using type = ValNum<T::type::value>; 
      using type = identity;
        ::import<_STR("int_token"), token<transform<int_, identity>>>::type
    typedef build_parser<entire_input<expression>> calculator_parser;
    int main()
      // hello is now our custom ValNum type
      using hello = apply_wrap1<calculator_parser, _STR("13")>::type;
      using std::cout;
      using std::endl;
      cout << hello::value << endl;

    Hope this helps someone.