How do you work with the --continuation-token
argument in order to deal with pagination on the command line?
For example if you run:
az devops security group list --org $Organization --project $project > tmp1.json
the output is:
"continuationToken": "eyJTY29wZUlkIjoiNDQzYzBhYjEtZjY3OC00ZmZkLWE1NTEtNWUzYTU5ZTg0NjEwIiwiUGFnZVNpemUiOjUwMCwiSW5jbHVkZUdyb3VwcyI6dHJ1ZSwiSW5jbHVkZU5vbkdyb3VwcyI6ZmFsc2UsIlBhZ2VuYXRpb25Ub2tlbiI6ImY1MjI5NWI1LWVjNzgtNGNjZS04ODQ4LWFiYzM3ODc5ZmEzZSJ9",
"graphGroups": [
{and the rest of the file with the groups listed
How do we deal with the ContinuationToken when it is returned?
You can do this without dropping back to the API as suggested above.
do {
if ($null -eq $token) {
$groups = az devops security group list --org $Organization --project $project | ConvertFrom-Json
else {
$groups = az devops security group list --org $Organization --project $project --continuation-token $Token | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($groups.Length -le 0) { Break; }
$token = $groups[$groups.Count - 1].ContinuationToken
foreach ($group in $groups) {
# Do stuff and things
while ($null -ne $token)