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How can I resize QTableView row according to specific cell value?

I want to resize the row height according to a specific column value. For example, the table I want to change is here:

the table I want to change is here

At row 10, row height is resized by the third column value. But at row 11 it is resized by the second column value. I want to resize row height by only the third column value. Is there a way to do this?

Thank you.

This is my code for this QTableView

ui->tableView->horizontalHeader()->setStyleSheet("QHeaderView { font-size: 18pt; color:#002B5B; font-weight: bold; }");

enter image description here


  • I haven't actually tried it myself, but from looking at the Qt source code (in particular the source code for QTableView::rowHeight(int) const and QHeaderView::sectionSizeFromContents(int) const), it looks like you could do something like:

    const int addressColumnLogicalIndex = 1;  // i.e. 2nd column in the table
    const int fixedRowHeight = 18;  // or whatever fixed height you want the address-column to use
    model()->setHeaderData(addressColumnLogicalIndex, Qt::Vertical, QSize(0, fixedRowHeight), Qt::SizeHintRole);