I have a dictionary with items that look like this:
{'33515783': [('ID', '33515783'),
('Location', 'madeuptown'),
('Address1', ' 1221 madeup street')],..etc
Is there a way to have the Key values (33515783) be in a separate variable and then everything in the list from [('ID' -------street')] in another variable ?
so for example:
Variable 1: 33515783
Variable 2: [('ID', '33515783'), ('Location', 'madeuptown'), ('Address1', ' 1221 madeup street')]
I was able to get the Variable 1 (Keys) correctly using this:
for x in d:
ID = x
But I do not know what to do for the field portion.
Thank you for your time.
You can use dictionary.items()
to get key, value pairs and unpack them with a loop to get them seperately in two variables. Something like this.
a = {'33515783': [('ID', '33515783'),
('Location', 'madeuptown'),
('Address1', ' 1221 madeup street')]}
for key, value in a.items():
[('ID', '33515783'), ('Location', 'madeuptown'), ('Address1', ' 1221 madeup street')]