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Handling DateTimes with Linq Expression

I'm trying to create a Linq Expression to compare a date column with DateTime.Now

Here's my code

private void ProcessQueueEntries()

        var entries = _repo.ReadQueueEntries()
                           .OrderBy(t => t.TaskNumber)
                           .Select(te => te.ToQueueEntry());
    catch (Exception ex)
        _logger.LogError(ex, "ProcessQueueEntries");

private static Expression<Func<TaskEntry, bool>> MatchQueueEntries()
    var nowValue = Expression.Constant(DateTime.Now, typeof(DateTime?));
    var taskEntryExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TaskEntry));
    var scheduledTimeValue = Expression.PropertyOrField(taskEntryExpr, "ScheduledTime");            
    var scheduledTestExpr = Expression.LessThan(scheduledTimeValue, nowValue);

    return Expression.Lambda<Func<TaskEntry, bool>>(scheduledTestExpr, taskEntryExpr);

It is generating the following sql

SELECT [i].[TaskNumber], ...
FROM [Tasks] AS [i]
WHERE ... 
AND ([i].[ScheduledTime] < '2022-08-08T13:36:31.4981662+01:00')
ORDER BY [i].[TaskNumber]

and generating an conversion exception

'Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.'

What is the correct way to express DateTime.Now within a Linq expression such that it doesn't generate an exception like this - or perhaps there's a setting on the datacontext which I've not set correctly to handle dates?


  • DateTime.Now is static property call and you have to repeat that in Expresion Tree:

    private static PropertyInfo _nowProperty = typeof(DateTime).GetProperty(nameof(DateTime.Now), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
    private static Expression<Func<TaskEntry, bool>> MatchQueueEntries()
        var nowValue           = (Expression)Expression.Property(null, _nowProperty);
        var taskEntryExpr      = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TaskEntry));
        var scheduledTimeValue = Expression.PropertyOrField(taskEntryExpr, "ScheduledTime");
        if (scheduledTimeValue.Type != nowValue.Type)
            nowValue = Expression.Convert(nowValue, scheduledTimeValue.Type);
        var scheduledTestExpr  = Expression.LessThan(scheduledTimeValue, nowValue);
        return Expression.Lambda<Func<TaskEntry, bool>>(scheduledTestExpr, taskEntryExpr);