I have defined a List called data, inside the list, i use a map with a key and a value. I now need to access the KEY and VALUE inside each element of the data list.
locals {
data = [
{ "secret1" = 1 },
{ "secret2" = 1 },
{ "secret3" = 1 },
{ "secret4" = 1 },
{ "secret5" = 1 }
The goal is to use the KEY and VALUE inside a google secret resource, the value should then be used inside secret and version attribute. Something like this:
data "google_secret_manager_secret_version" "secret_datas" {
count = length(local.data)
secret = local.data[count.index].key
project = "myproject"
version = local.data[count.index].value
My Current Error Message
│ Error: Unsupported attribute
│ on dependabot.tf line 38, in data "google_secret_manager_secret_version" "secret_data":
│ 38: version = local.data[count.index].value
│ ├────────────────
│ │ count.index is 1
│ │ local.data is tuple with 5 elements
│ This object does not have an attribute named "value".
This would be much easier with the modern for_each meta-argument. After optimizing the structure of the data
in the locals
locals {
data = {
"secret1" = 1,
"secret2" = 1,
"secret3" = 1,
"secret4" = 1,
"secret5" = 1
we can easily use it in the resource.
data "google_secret_manager_secret_version" "secret_datas" {
for_each = local.data
secret = each.key
project = "myproject"
version = each.value