I have a very simple table on BigQuery that I've created from another table. One of the fields is the user_email
(string), which I've extracted from a JSON field with JSON_QUERY(json_field, "$.email")
I would like to get some specific emails from the table with a query that looks like this:
SELECT user_email
FROM my_table
WHERE user_email IN ("blabla@example.com", "blabla2@example.com"...)
The emails in the list from above DO exist, but I'm not getting any results from the query.
Any idea?
You should use JSON_VALUE instead of JSON_QUERY to extract a value as a BigQuery String. JSON QUERY returns a value as JSON-compatible String, not BigQuery String.
For example,
SELECT JSON_QUERY('{ "email": "blabla@example.com" }', '$.email') email;
Note that returned value is wrapped with double quotes.
But if you use JSON_VALUE,
SELECT JSON_VALUE('{ "email": "blabla@example.com" }', '$.email') email;
You can get a value without double quotes and be able to compare it with other BigQuery Strings IN ("blabla@example.com", "blabla2@example.com"...)