I have a big text file in which I search for lines I need to delete. I manually copy one line than put the mark button and repeat it again, I want to know if it possible to put all lines or at least more than one and mark it all? Maybe something in this way - word1>word2>word3 ets I don't know all combinations sorry All words (lines) are unique so recording a marco is not a solution.
My text
word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 word2 word5 word4
I need to mark lines - word1, word2, word5 I do it manually one by one but I want to mark them all at once, maybe there is a regex for this I'm not sure like [word1, word2, word5] in the Find what area
If the number of words is not too big, you can do:
\b # word boundary
(?: # non capture group
word1 # word1
| # OR
word2 # word2
| # OR
word5 # word3
) # end group
\b # word boundary