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GKE node pool tags and firewall rules

I have a GCP project with:

  • VPC:
    • subnet0: cidr
    • subnet1: cidr
  • GKE cluster in the subnet0 subnet and:
    • pods cidr:
    • service cidr:
    • node pool tags: gke-pool
  • a VM instance in the subnet1 subnet and tags agent

I would like to create a firewall rules that would allow pods in the GKE cluster to connect to the VM, so I have created the following firewall rule:

  • network: VPC
  • direction: INGRESS
  • source tags: gke-pool
  • target tags: agent
  • port: 80/tcp

But it does not work.

Instead if I set the source range to the pods cidr ( it works.

Any suggestions?


  • That's because you are using a VPC Native Cluster. VPC Native clusters are the default mode and they made the Pod IP's visible in the VPC. This means when a pod talks to a destination which is on VPC, the IP of the Pod is NOT Source Nated behind the Node IP.

    You have two options:

    • Use the Pod CIDR in your firewall rule as you mentionned.
    • Use the IP masq Agent to hide the Pod IP's behind the Node IP's.