I'm using the Python Prisma client. Below is my schema.prisma
which should make it so that whenever I create something in the serververification
table, it will have an autoincremented ID on that inserted data.
The database is a MySQL database.
model serververification {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
guildId String @db.VarChar(20)
enabled Boolean @db.Bit(1)
panelMessageId String? @db.VarChar(20)
panelChannelId String? @db.VarChar(20)
logChannelId String? @db.VarChar(20)
unverifiedRoleId String? @db.VarChar(20)
verifiedRoleIds String? @db.LongText
@@index([guildId], map: "guildId_fkey")
However, this does not seem to be the case. If I don't personally specify an ID I get an error stating that A value is required but not set. I'm not entirely sure what I've gone wrong. The schema is up to date with the database, I have ran all necessary commands
yarn prisma generate
yarn prisma db push
yarn prisma migrate dev
yarn prisma db pull
Code where I create the new data to insert into the database, notice how I do not include a id
key value, because the schema specifies that it shouldn't require me to, since the field is an auto incremented integer ID.
await self.client.prisma.serververification.create(
"guildId": str(interaction.guild_id),
"enabled": True,
"panelMessageId": str(panel_message.id),
"panelChannelId": str(panel_channel_id.id),
"logChannelId": None,
"unverifiedRoleIds": str(unverified_role_id.id),
Python prisma version: v0.6.6 other version information:
"dependencies": {
"@prisma/client": "^4.1.1",
"prisma": "^4.1.1"
prisma.errors.FieldNotFoundError: Failed to validate the query: `Unable to match input value to any allowed input type for the field. Parse errors: [Query parsing/validation error at `Mutation.createOneserververification.data.serververificationCreateInput.unverifiedRoleIds`: Field does not exist on enclosing type., Query parsing/validation error at `Mutation.createOneserververification.data.serververificationUncheckedCreateInput.unverifiedRoleIds`: Field does not exist on enclosing type.]` at `Mutation.createOneserververification.data`
In your schema file, you defined a field called unverifiedRoleId
. In your client when assigning a value to that field, you added an extra character s
to the field name. Instead of unverifiedRoleId
, you are using unverifiedRoleIds
. Note the plural form here. To fix this issue, ensure both the field name in the schema file matches with the field name in the client.
schema.prisma file
model serververification {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
guildId String @client.VarChar(20)
enabled Boolean @client.Bit(1)
panelMessageId String? @client.VarChar(20)
panelChannelId String? @client.VarChar(20)
logChannelId String? @client.VarChar(20)
unverifiedRoleId String? @client.VarChar(20)
verifiedRoleIds String? @client.LongText
@@index([guildId], map: "guildId_fkey")
main.py file
serververification = await db.serververification.create(
data = {
"enabled": True,
"panelMessageId": "12345678",
"panelChannelId": "qwerty",
"logChannelId": None,
"unverifiedRoleId": "poiuyt",
print(f'created serververification: {serververification.json(indent=2, sort_keys=True)}')
found = await db.serververification.find_unique(where={'id': serververification.id})
assert found is not None
print(f'found serververification: {found.json(indent=2, sort_keys=True)}')
created serververification: {
"enabled": true,
"guildId": "abcdefgh",
"id": 4,
"logChannelId": null,
"panelChannelId": "qwerty",
"panelMessageId": "12345678",
"unverifiedRoleId": "poiuyt",
"verifiedRoleIds": null
found serververification: {
"enabled": true,
"guildId": "abcdefgh",
"id": 4,
"logChannelId": null,
"panelChannelId": "qwerty",
"panelMessageId": "12345678",
"unverifiedRoleId": "poiuyt",
"verifiedRoleIds": null