I have a question regarding an application that I am developing, I try to implement a Kanban solution.
I have separated the IdentityServer (Users, Roles, etc), from the module/app that I am implementing. (Tiered)
I would like to know how I should do to have user data in the module/app. I mean, it should have the "duplicate" users table or from the module/app can refer to the context of the identityServer database...
I am a bit lost...
For trying to give an example.
IdentityDbContext { Users, Roles, etc }
ApplicationDbContext { Board, Columns, Tags, Cards, CardUser, ¿User? }
In CardUser I would like to have the users related to Card (an N-M relationship). But I don't know if I should create an entity/DbSet in the ApplicationDbContext or just save the UserId and then for each UserId query data to db or do call to api to the IdentityServer.
I think it's hard for me to explain myself, I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense, I appreciate any kind of help/comment.
Thank you very much.
As per best practices, aggregate root can be referenced by its id, but it is recommended not to reference it with the navigation property.
We have implemented a similar case for EventHub. You can see how we implemented it from the links below.
You can try to create an Event to better understand the requirements of EventHub.