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Python error AttributeError: module 'ntpath' has no attribute 'basepath'

Hello I am trying to split a path into directory and filename, on Windows. I am using the os.path.basepath API to accomplish that on Windows, but I am getting this error.

I tried upgrading pip3 followed by os_sys module, but still getting this error. Anyone can help me understand what is going on with os.path.basepath on Windows 11?

I have exhausted google search and reading blogs over this, but nothing is working at this point.

Python 3.9.13 (tags/v3.9.13:6de2ca5, May 17 2022, 16:36:42) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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>>> import os.path
>>> os.path.basepath("c:\node\text.txt") 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'ntpath' has no attribute 'basepath'


  • Two items:

    1. if by 'basepath', you want the path, use dirname (if you want to parent directory of text.txt) or basename if you just want the filename.

    2. Use either \\ for windows paths or use a raw string.


    for dir:

    import os

    for filename:

    import os


    for dir:


    for filename:


    I apologize as I wasn't too clear on whether you want the dirname or filename.