I have an S3 URI, and I need to extract the region, bucket and object key so that I can use the Aws::S3::Model::PutObjectRequest
to upload an object.
Does the AWS C++ SDK provide a utility function for doing purpose? Should I use a regular expression?
I note that the AWS Java SDK provides AmazonS3URI, but I haven't found anything similar so far in the C++ SDK.
Many thanks.
The AWS SDK C++ provides Aws::Crt::Io::Uri which is general but you can definitely use it with s3.
const std::string s3uri("s3://mybucket/sample-file-name");
Aws::Crt::Io::Uri uri(Aws::Crt::ByteCursor{s3uri.size(), (uint8_t*)s3uri.data()});
std::cout << "Scheme:" << Aws::Utils::StringUtils::FromByteCursor(uri.GetScheme())
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Authority:"
<< Aws::Utils::StringUtils::FromByteCursor(uri.GetAuthority()) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Path:" << Aws::Utils::StringUtils::FromByteCursor(uri.GetPath())
<< std::endl;
Results in
Two years late but I hope someone this helps