Working with echarts4r and attempting to get a custom order in my scatter plot. Echarts4r appears to ALWAYS sort these categories alphabetically. I even tried e_charts(x, reorder = FALSE) %>%
per this post. Looking for help to custom order these?
output$plot1 <- renderEcharts4r({
df <- data.frame(
cats = c("catb", "cata", "catc"),
x = c(1, .5, .75),
y = c(.5,.2, 0)
p <- df %>%
mutate(x = x - 0.5,
y = y - 0.5) %>%
group_by(cats) %>%
e_charts() %>%
) %>%
e_text_style(color = 'white') %>%
e_x_axis(name='', nameLocation='center',
axisLine = list(show = TRUE, lineStyle=list(color='#666', width=2)), min = -0.5, max = 0.5,
axisTick = list(show = FALSE), axisLabel = list(show = FALSE), splitLine=list(lineStyle=list(color='#333')), margin = c(0.5, 0.1)) %>%
e_y_axis(name='', nameLocation='center',
axisLine = list(show = TRUE, lineStyle=list(color='#666', width=2)), min = -0.5, max = 0.5,
axisTick = list(show = FALSE), axisLabel = list(show = FALSE), splitLine=list(lineStyle=list(color='#333')), margin = c(0.5, 0.1)) %>%
e_legend(textStyle = list(color = 'white')) %>%
e_color(color = c('#53a662', '#343ee8', '#eda65b'))
One option to get a custom order would be to convert your cats
column to a factor
with the levels
set in your desired order:
df %>%
x = x - 0.5,
y = y - 0.5,
cats = factor(cats, levels = c("catc", "cata", "catb"))
) %>%
group_by(cats) %>%
e_charts() %>%
e_effect_scatter(y) %>%
e_text_style(color = "white") %>%
name = "", nameLocation = "center",
axisLine = list(show = TRUE, lineStyle = list(color = "#666", width = 2)), min = -0.5, max = 0.5,
axisTick = list(show = FALSE), axisLabel = list(show = FALSE), splitLine = list(lineStyle = list(color = "#333")), margin = c(0.5, 0.1)
) %>%
name = "", nameLocation = "center",
axisLine = list(show = TRUE, lineStyle = list(color = "#666", width = 2)), min = -0.5, max = 0.5,
axisTick = list(show = FALSE), axisLabel = list(show = FALSE), splitLine = list(lineStyle = list(color = "#333")), margin = c(0.5, 0.1)
) %>%
#e_legend(textStyle = list(color = "white")) %>%
e_color(color = c("#53a662", "#343ee8", "#eda65b"))