I've tried all kinds of ele.findElementAs--- and cannot "find" a particular (multiply nested) element on a webpage - even though I can visually see the element (and values) when inspecting the webpage.
I've used VBA+Edge+Selenium before and can locate / "find" other elements on this page, but not the one (or similar ones) I need.
url: www.cmegroup.com item: the Price for the December Corn Futures ("ZCZ2")
JSpath: document.querySelector("#main-content > div > div.component.section.cme-homepage-background-gradient-2.pt-5.reverse > div > div:nth-child(8) > div:nth-child(1) > div.component.react.heat-map.loaded > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > a.heat-map-card.heat-map-color_1 > div.product-values > div.rate")
snapshot of webpage code above target:
Code from webpage
my code sample:
Sub FindDecCorn()
Dim Edgdriver As New EdgeDriver
Edgdriver.Start "edge"
Edgdriver.Get "https://cmegroup.com"
' *** this one works - finds "main-content" ***
Dim ch As Selenium.WebElement
Set ch = Edgdriver.FindElementById("main-content")
'Set ch = driver.FindElementByLinkText("www.cmegroup.com/etc.clientlibs/cmegroupaem/clientlibs/heat-map.cc2d1dd424fd10c5642e7137587e27a7.css")
Debug.Print ch.tagname, ch.Attribute("id")
' *** I've tried all kinds of .FindElement(s)ByXXXX --- all failed ***
' *** this one fails to find anything with 'product-code' although there are several ***
Dim myElements As Selenium.WebElements
Set myElements = Edgdriver.FindElementsByCss("div[class='product-code']")
For Each myElement In myElements
Debug.Print myElement.Attribute("innerHTML")
Next myElement
End Sub
Think I've found your problem, as I commented the elements your looing for are loaded in after the page is loaded. After playing about it looks like they are not loaded until scrolled into view.
Sub main()
Dim Edge As New EdgeDriver
Edge.Start "edge"
Edge.Get "https://cmegroup.com"
' let the page load
Edge.Wait 500
' scroll the page
'Edge.ExecuteScript "window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight/4);"
' scroll to bottom (smoothly no jump)
Edge.ExecuteScript "window.scrollTo({top:document.body.scrollHeight, behavior: 'smooth'});"
' wait a little more...
Edge.Wait 500
Dim List As Selenium.WebElements
Dim Item As WebElement
Dim Index As Long: Index = 1
Set List = Edge.FindElementsByClass("product-code")
If List Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "couldnt find product-code"
Exit Sub
End If
Set Item = List(Index)
If Item.Text = "ZCZ2" Then
Exit Do
If Index > List.Count Then
Exit Do
Index = Index + 1
End If
End If
If Item Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "found product-code but not ZCZ2"
' find the parent element then find the desired child element
Debug.Print Item.FindElementByXPath("../..").FindElementByClass("rate").Text
End If
Set Edge = Nothing
End Sub