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Dollar sign and quotes in return component

i create a use state in my react component like that:

const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(false);

and in one project in return of component i saw something like this

<ListItemButton sx={{ color: `${loading && 'yellow'}` }}>

I can't find how that `${x && 'x' }` syntax works Can someone explain to me or show me the documentation of this?


  • In this case `${loading && 'yellow'}` is the same as loading && 'yellow'

    Strings surrounded in backticks ` are called template literals. It allows you tu put variables in strings.

    `I'm ${name}. I'm ${age} years old.`

    && operators just means 'take the first falsey element and return it. If no falsey element is found, returns the last one.

    0 && "" && "Banana" will return 0

    "Banana" && "" && 0 will return ""

    "Banana" && 1 && 2 will return 2