I am using Slider on my project, I have a PageView, Its contains 3 pages and when I change the page I want to slider 1 step moves forward so I catch viewPager page from its controller:
pageViewController.addListener(() {
controller.setPagIndex((pageViewController.page! + 1));
after swiping I rebuild Slider:
child: Slider(
min: 1,
max: state.length.toDouble(), // = 3
value: controller.currentPageValue.value,
divisions: 1,
label: "${controller.currentPageValue.value.toInt()}",
activeColor: mainRed,
thumbColor: mainYellow,
inactiveColor: backgroundGray,
onChanged: (newValue) {},
But after 1 swipe and slider value being 2 the slider reaches to end?
If I remove
it's ok and the codes work. the problem is becausedivisions
divisions in a slider is the total number of equally divided sections in the slider. In your case you have 3 steps so the minimum division should be 2. Which will create 3 points and 2 sections in the slider.
child: Slider(
min: 1,
max: state.length.toDouble(), // = 3
value: controller.currentPageValue.value,
divisions: 2,//<-here
label: "${controller.currentPageValue.value.toInt()}",
activeColor: mainRed,
thumbColor: mainYellow,
inactiveColor: backgroundGray,
onChanged: (newValue) {},