I am stuck at one point with the Dart package petitparser: It seems that the "priority rule" ("parse p1, if that doesn't work parse p2 - ordered choice") is ignored by the toChoiceParser() if a plus() parser is added.
import 'package:petitparser/petitparser.dart';
// This parser should check from left to right if a nestedTerm, e.g. '(0)' or '(()', exists.
// If this is not the case, then it looks if a singleCharacter exists, either '(', ')' or '0' (lower priority).
// In case 1 everything works perfectly. But if the process is repeated any number of times, as in case 2,
// then it seems that it no longer recognizes that a nestedTerm exists and that this should actually lead
// to the same terminal output as in case 1 due to the higher priority. Where is my fallacy?
void main() {
final definition = ExpressionDefinition();
final parser = definition.build();
// Terminal output in case 1: ['(' (nestedTerm), '0' (singleCharacter), ')' (nestedTerm)]
// Terminal output in case 2: ['(' (singleCharacter), '0' (singleCharacter), ')' (singleCharacter)]
class ExpressionDefinition extends GrammarDefinition {
Parser start() => ref0(term).end();
// Case 1 (parses only once):
Parser term() => ref0(nestedTerm) | ref0(singleCharacter);
// Case 2 (parses one or more times):
// Parser term() => (ref0(nestedTerm) | ref0(singleCharacter)).plus();
Parser nestedTerm() =>
(char('(')).map((value) => "'$value' (nestedTerm)") &
ref0(term) &
char(')').map((value) => "'$value' (nestedTerm)");
Parser singleCharacter() =>
char('(').map((value) => "'$value' (singleCharacter)") |
char(')').map((value) => "'$value' (singleCharacter)") |
char('0').map((value) => "'$value' (singleCharacter)");
However, for my current project, the "priority rule" should also work in this case (in this example case 2).
Can anyone find my fallacy? Thanks a lot for your support!
Probably the easiest way to understand what is going on is to compare the parse trace of the two parsers, see also the section on debugging grammars I recently added:
import 'package:petitparser/debug.dart';
void main() {
You will see that in case 2 the nested-term is correctly started, but then for the inside of the nested-term the plus()
parser eagerly consumes the remaining input characters 0
and )
. This then causes the outer nested-term to fail because it cannot be completed with a )
anymore. As a consequence the complete input is consumed using single-characters.
From the examples given it is not entirely clear what you expect to get? Removing char(')')
from the singleCharacter
parser would solve issue described.