My code:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
long double fac(long double num) {
long double result = 1.0;
for (long double i=2.0; i<num; i++)
result *= i;
return result;
int main() {
using namespace std;
long double pi=0.0;
for (long double k = 0.0; k < 10.0; k++) {
pi += (pow(-1.0,k) * fac(6.0 * k) * (13591409.0 + (545140134.0 * k)))
/ (fac(3.0 * k) * pow(fac(k), 3.0) * pow(640320.0, 3.0 * k + 3.0/2.0));
pi *= 12.0;
cout << setprecision(100) << 1.0 / pi << endl;
return 0;
My output:
The problem with this output is that it outputed 56 digits instead of 100; How do I fix that?
First of all your factorial is wrong the loop should be for (long double i=2.0; i<=num; i++)
instead of i<num
As mentioned in the comments double
can hold only up to ~16
digits so your 100
digits is not doable by this method. To remedy this there are 2 ways:
use high precision datatype
there are libs for this, or you can implement it on your own you need just few basic operations. Note that to represent 100 digits you need at least
ceil(100 digits/log10(2)) = 333 bits
of mantisa or fixed point integer while double has only 53
53*log10(2) = 15.954589770191003346328161420398 digits
use different method of computation of PI
For arbitrary precision I recommend to use BPP However if you want just 100 digits you can use simple taylor seriesbased like this on strings (no need for any high precision datatype nor FPU):
//The following 160 character C program, written by Dik T. Winter at CWI, computes pi to 800 decimal digits.
int a=10000,b=0,c=2800,d=0,e=0,f[2801],g=0;main(){for(;b-c;)f[b++]=a/5;
Aside the obvious precision limits Your implementation is really bad from both performance and precision aspects that is why you lost precision way sooner as you hitting double precision limits in very low iterations of k
. If you rewrite the iterations so the subresults are as small as can be (in terms of bits of mantisa) and not use too much unnecessary computations here few hints:
why are you computing the same factorials again and again
You have k!
in loop where k is incrementing why not just multiply the k
to some variable holding actual factorial instead? for example:
//for ( k=0;k<10;k++){ ... fac(k) ... }
for (f=1,k=0;k<10;k++){ if (k) f*=k; ... f ... }
why are you divide by factorials again and again
if you think a bit about it then if (a>b)
you can compute this instead:
a! / b! = (1*2*3*4*...*b*...*a) / (1*2*3*4*...*b)
a! / b! = (b+1)*(b+2)*...*(a)
I would not use pow
at all for this
is "very complex" function causing further precision and performance losses for example pow(-1.0,k)
can be done like this:
//for ( k=0;k<10;k++){ ... pow(-1.0,k) ... }
for (s=+1,k=0;k<10;k++){ s=-s; ... s ... }
Also pow(640320.0, 3.0 * k + 3.0/2.0))
can be computed in the same way as factorial, pow(fac(k), 3.0)
you can 3 times multipply the variable holding fac(k)
instead ...
the therm pow(640320.0, 3.0 * k + 3.0/2.0)
outgrows even (6k)!
so you can divide it by it to keep subresults smaller...
These few simple tweaks will enhance the precision a lot as you will overflow the double precision much much latter as the subresults will be much smaller then the naive ones as factorials tend to grow really fast
Putting all together leads to this:
double pi_Chudnovsky() // no pow,fac lower subresult
{ //
double pi,s,f,f3,k,k3,k6,p,dp,q,r;
for (pi=0.0,s=1.0,f=f3=1,k=k3=k6=0.0,p=640320.0,dp=p*p*p,p*=sqrt(p),r=13591409.0;k<27.0;k++,s=-s)
if (k) // f=k!, f3=(3k)!, p=pow(640320.0,3k+1.5)*(3k)!/(6k)!, r=13591409.0+(545140134.0*k)
p*=dp; r+=545140134.0;
f*=k; k3++; f3*=k3; k6++; p/=k6; p*=k3;
k3++; f3*=k3; k6++; p/=k6; p*=k3;
k3++; f3*=k3; k6++; p/=k6; p*=k3;
k6++; p/=k6;
k6++; p/=k6;
k6++; p/=k6;
q=s*r; q/=f; q/=f; q/=f; q/=p; pi+=q;
return 1.0/(pi*12.0);
as you can see k goes up to 27, while your naive method can go only up to 18 on 64 bit doubles before overflow. However the result is the same as the double mantissa is saturated after 2 iterations ...