I am currently trying to replace the usage of argparse with hydra files to set the hyperparameters of a deep learning neural network.
I succeeded in using a config.yaml file linked to a hydra main file to run a training and a prediction.
However, I am loading three .py files for the process and there are some common parameters between them (file path, number of labels for example).
Is there a way of using a parameter several times in a config.yaml file supported by hydra ?
Main file structure:
import time
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
from segmentation_monai import split, train, predict
import hydra
import warnings
from segmentation_monai import split
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning)
@hydra.main(config_path='.', config_name="config_bis")
def my_param(cfg:DictConfig) -> None:
if cfg.split.run: split.main(cfg.split)
if cfg.train.run: train.main(cfg.train)
if cfg.predict.run: predict.main(cfg.predict)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Config file:
run: False
# mandatory:
root_path: D:/breast_seg/db_test
data_dim: 3
train_dim: 3
run: False
# mandatory:
root_path: D:/breast_seg/db_test
data_dim: 3
train_dim: 3
run: True
# mandatory:
root_path: D:/breast_seg/db_test
data_dim: 3
train_dim: 3
Thank you.
You can use the same parameter multiple in the config using OmegaConf interpolations.
# Extracting to an individual config node.
# You can also reuse one of your own nodes for this.
room_path: D:/breast_seg/db_test
data_dim: 3
train_dim: 3
run: False
# mandatory:
root_path: ${data.root_path}
data_dim: ${data.data_dim}
train_dim: ${data.train_dim}
run: False
# mandatory:
root_path: ${data.root_path}
data_dim: ${data.data_dim}
train_dim: ${data.train_dim}
run: True
# mandatory:
root_path: ${data.root_path}
data_dim: ${data.data_dim}
train_dim: ${data.train_dim}