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How to get a list of subfolders and files in jfrog Artifactory

I am looking to fetch the subfolders and files inside jfrog artifactory repo and for that I am running the below script which I am running in Groovy

def test = sh(script: "curl -u uname:password -X POST -k -d 'items.find({\"type\" : \"file\",\"\$or\":[{\"repo\" : {\"\$match\" : \"war*\"}, \"repo\" : {\"\$match\" : \"web*\"} }]}).include(\"name\",\"repo\",\"path\",\"size\").sort({\"\$desc\": [\"size\"]}).limit(10)'", returnStdout: true).trim()
echo "The list is ${test}"

But its not returning any value. Any solution would be helpful. Thanks


  • You can use api/storage get the children of a artifact path.

    For example, your Artifactory has repository: maven-prerelease-local for maven, you can open in browser, it will list file and folders under it.

    By adding api/storage in URL, it will return a JSON response.

    def test = sh(script: """
      curl -u uname:password -X GET -k \
    """, returnStdout: true).trim()
    echo "The list is ${test}"