I started migration TypeORM (using Nest.js) to Prisma queries.
At some point I noticed that data saved with Prisma is not accessible by TypeORM.
After saving the data using this Prisma query:
await this.prisma.recipeFilter.create({
include: { options: true },
data: {
label: options.label,
schemaType: options.schemaType,
store: { connect: { id: storeId } },
I cannot fetch it using TypeORM:
return this.recipeFilterRepository
.where('c.store = :storeId', { storeId })
.leftJoinAndMapMany('c.options', 'c.options', 'o')
.loadRelationCountAndMap('c.publishedRecipesCount', 'o.recipes', 'r', (qb) => {
return qb.andWhere('r.draft = false');
When I run the query that TypeORM generates in the database, I get results:
SELECT "c"."id" AS "c_id", "c"."createdAt" AS "c_createdAt", "c"."updatedAt" AS "c_updatedAt", "c"."label" AS "c_label", "c"."schemaType" AS "c_schemaType", "c"."storeId" AS "c_storeId", "o"."id" AS "o_id", "o"."createdAt" AS "o_createdAt", "o"."updatedAt" AS "o_updatedAt", "o"."name" AS "o_name", "o"."slug" AS "o_slug", "o"."filterId" AS "o_filterId" FROM "recipe_filter" "c" LEFT JOIN "recipe_filter_option" "o" ON "o"."filterId"="c"."id" WHERE "c"."storeId" = $1
Even after many minutes of waiting, the TypeORM query doesn't show results running inside the app, though.
What could be happening here?
As @Samathingamajig pointed out, it was indeed a different database!
Wow. Just wow!