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Git checkout branch from tag: got different code from that in github

Git checkout branch from tag: got different code from that in github.

git clone
git checkout -b mybranch 2.3.18.RELEASE



pom.xml file is different from the pom.xml file on tag 2.3.18.RELEASE.



  • This question seems to boil down to a typo. There is no tag 2.3.18.RELEASE - it's called 2.3.18-RELEASE (note the hypen before the RELEASE).

    When you try to checkout 2.3.18.RELEASE, it will fail:

    mureinik@computer ~/src/git/mojarra (master)
    $ git checkout -b mybranch 2.3.18.RELEASE
    fatal: '2.3.18.RELEASE' is not a commit and a branch 'mybranch' cannot be created from it

    Since the checkout operation failed, you'll remain on the branch you were when you attempted the command (in the sequence described in the question, this will be master, the default branch after cloning the repo).