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How to unmarshal objects inside array

I am trying to get access to object's values inside of array

    "name": "London",
    "lat": 51.5073219,
    "lon": -0.1276474,
    "country": "GB",
    "state": "England"

I use this code to unmarshal it

content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
    if err != nil {

    var data []ResponseData
    err = json.Unmarshal(content, &data)
    if err != nil {

This is my struct

type ResponseData struct {
    Name       string      `json:"name"`
    Lat        float32     `json:"lat"`
    Lon        float32     `json:"lon"`
    Country    string      `json:"country"`
    State      string      `json:"state"`

I need to simply fmt.Println(data.Lat, data.Lon) later.


  • The code you presented should unmarshal your JSON successfully; the issue is with the way you are trying to use the result. You say you want to use fmt.Println(data.Lat, data.Lon) but this will not work because data is a slice ([]ResponseData) not a ResponseData. You could use fmt.Println(data[0].Lat, data[0].Lon) (after checking the number of elements!) or iterate through the elements.

    The below might help you experiment (playground - this contains a little more content than below):

    package main
    import (
    const rawJSON = `[
        "name": "London",
        "lat": 51.5073219,
        "lon": -0.1276474,
        "country": "GB",
        "state": "England"
    type ResponseData struct {
        Name    string  `json:"name"`
        Lat     float32 `json:"lat"`
        Lon     float32 `json:"lon"`
        Country string  `json:"country"`
        State   string  `json:"state"`
    func main() {
        var data []ResponseData
        err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(rawJSON), &data)
        if err != nil {
        if len(data) == 1 { // Would also work for 2+ but then you are throwing data away...
            fmt.Println("test1", data[0].Lat, data[0].Lon)
        for _, e := range data {
            fmt.Println("test2", e.Lat, e.Lon)