I built a day planner that allows users to add days to a travel plan and add activities to a day. I have created Apollo client mutations and queries so users can add days by clicking a button and clicking another button to query all the days added into the database.
Right now I have a problem using states on these mapped days since I cannot use for loops to set states for these mapped "days" and I can't find a solution anywhere. How should I solve this problem? (Currently, the mapped elements of the same time share the same state and I cannot update a specific day individually)
The mapped days that the user decides to create and input for the different times:
return (
<div className="container">
<button onClick={handleAddDay}>Add Day</button>
<button onClick={handleFetch}>Check Day</button>
{planData ? planData.singlePlan.days.map((days) => {
return (
<div className="text-left">
<h2>Day {days.dayNumber + 1} </h2>
<label>9am: </label>
<input type="text" onChange={handleChange1} value={dayInfo1}></input>
<label>12am: </label>
<input type="text" onChange={handleChange2} value={dayInfo2}></input>
<label>3pm: </label>
<input type="text" onChange={handleChange3} value={dayInfo3}></input>
<label>6pm: </label>
<input type="text" onChange={handleChange4} value={dayInfo4}></input>
}) : ('No Data yet')
<button>Rock and Roll!</button>
<h1>Number of days: {day}</h1>
The use states are defined here:
//text from 9am
const [dayInfo1, setdayInfo1] = useState();
const handleChange1 = (event) => {
//text from 1pm
const [dayInfo2, setdayInfo2] = useState();
const handleChange2 = (event) => {
//text from 3pm
const [dayInfo3, setdayInfo3] = useState();
const handleChange3 = (event) => {
//text from 5pm
const [dayInfo4, setdayInfo4] = useState();
const handleChange4 = (event) => {
I think tou need to do your form as component with this useStates. And I recommend you to use object in state, then you only need one function to manage your form.
const [dayInfo, setdayInfo] = useState({
9: '',
12: '',
3: '',
6: '',
const handleChange = (event, fieldToUpdate) => {
setdayInfo(prevState => {
[fieldToUpdate]: event.target.value