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How do I put a watermark behind plotted data using matplotlib

I found this tutorial on how to do a watermark but I cannot figure out how to put it behind my plotted data.

Changing zorder has no impact because I think it is being drawn on the entire figure. I would like to have a subdued logo behind my data which is always centered in the figure so I don't really want to plot an image as a data point because then it would move as it is panned/zoomed.


  • Setting the zorder to a negative value works for me. However, you also need to make the facecolor of the axes transparent:

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
    import matplotlib.image as image
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    with cbook.get_sample_data('logo2.png') as file:
       im = image.imread(file)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    fig.figimage(im, 10, 10, zorder=-1, alpha=.5)
    ax.plot(np.sin(10 * np.linspace(0, 1)), '-o', ms=20,
             alpha=0.7, mfc='orange')

    enter image description here