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mojo::useragent and Get Request Parameters

Let's Say I have this Mojo::UserAgent get request :

use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $ua  = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
print $ua->get('');

on the above example the get parameters provided as part of the url itself , I am asking if there are an option to separate the request parameters from the url

I tried form but its not achieving the same result like using this directly as url ''

print $ua->get('' => form => {q= > 'mojolicious' ,format='json'});

any idea how to achieve the above ?


  • Your code has some formatting issues:

    • q= > 'mojolicious should read q => 'mojolicious'
    • format='json' should read format => 'json'
    • and you are missing a closing curly }

    So all in all your line should look like this:

    $ua->get('' => form => {q => 'mojolicious', format => 'json' });

    This method returns an instance Mojo::Transaction::HTTP which you can use like this:

    my $tx = $ua->get('' => form => { q => 'mojolicious', format => 'json' });
    print $tx->res->body;

    For further reading please consult