I have a string such as "xxx yyy zzz" and I am using the BERT tokenizer from Huggingface:
from transformers import BertTokenizer
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
mylistoftoken = tokenizer.tokenize("xxx yyy zzz")
However, I want to be able to enforce that certain words (for example "abcd") should not be subtokenized into subwords ("aa" and "##bb" or something of that sort).
Is there a way for me to enforce that without post-processing the array of tokens and putting them back together?
There might be better solutions depending on your use case, but based on the information you provided, you are looking for add_tokens:
from transformers import BertTokenizer
t = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
print(t.tokenize("xxx yyy zzz abcd"))
t.add_tokens(["yyy", "abcd"])
print(t.tokenize("xxx yyy zzz abcd"))
['xx', '##x', 'y', '##y', '##y', 'z', '##zz', 'abc', '##d']
['xx', '##x', 'yyy', 'z', '##zz', 'abcd']