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Pandas - Combine multiple group rows into one row

I have been banging my head against a wall for a while now trying to figure out this seemingly easy data manipulation task in Pandas, however I have had no success figuring out how to do it or googling a sufficient answer :(

All I want to do is take the table on the left of the snip below (will be a pandas dataframe) and convert it into the table on the right (to become another pandas dataframe).

enter image description here

Code for creating the initial dataframe:

import pandas as pd

test_data = pd.DataFrame(
            'team': [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5] ,
            'player': ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j'] ,
            'score': [10,22,66,44,1,3,55,6,4,2]

Thank you for your help in advance!


  • try this,

    test_data.groupby('team').agg({'player':['first', 'last'], 'score': ['first', 'last']})


        player_first player_last  score_first  score_last
    1               a           b           10          22
    2               c           d           66          44
    3               e           f            1           3
    4               g           h           55           6
    5               i           j            4           2

    Complete solution:

    test_data = test_data.groupby('team').agg({'player':['first', 'last'], 'score': ['first', 'last']})
    test_data.columns = ['_'.join(x) for x in test_data.columns]
    test_data = test_data.reset_index()
    test_data = test_data[['team', 'player_first', 'score_first', 'player_last', 'score_last']]


       team player_first  score_first player_last  score_last
    0     1            a           10           b          22
    1     2            c           66           d          44
    2     3            e            1           f           3
    3     4            g           55           h           6
    4     5            i            4           j           2​
    • What you need is groupby and aggregation ops of first and last
    • set column names
    • reset index and re order columns