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How to identify which http request returned what result in mule 4

I am trying to migrate data from postgre to Hubspot. I am doing it with integration APIs provided by the Hubspot CRM. The number of API calls can reach up to 1000 at a time. I want to maintain logs showing which records were migrated successfully and which weren't. For this, I need to know which HTTP request returned the result. How can I implement this?

<flow name="migration-to-hubspootFlow" doc:id="0b2433b4-0de3-4f10-92e9-fc1014015043" >
        <scheduler doc:name="Scheduler" doc:id="63c6576a-1cca-4a17-b7d7-1f033ba88453" >
            <scheduling-strategy >
                <fixed-frequency frequency="60" timeUnit="MINUTES"/>
        <db:select doc:name="Select" doc:id="b258bb4c-6e34-4b66-a59f-8ae634975373" config-ref="Database_Config">
            <db:sql ><![CDATA[select distinct, c.lastmodifieddate,, c.sfid, c.firstname, c.lastname, c.title,,c.mailingstate, c.mailingstreet, c.mailingcity, c.mailingpostalcode, c.mailingcountry
from c
where is not null
limit 500]]></db:sql>
        <batch:job jobName="migration-to-hubspootBatch_Job" doc:id="ba2f58cd-ddd2-4e28-911f-107d6e7333db" >
            <batch:process-records >
                <batch:step name="Batch_Step" doc:id="f4fa295c-bc1f-4c22-8fb3-6193f415cafb" >
                    <http:request method="POST" doc:name="Request" doc:id="c7eb69e0-0a43-4526-91e2-022469c203bc" config-ref="HTTP_Request_configuration" path="/contacts/v1/contact/createOrUpdate/email/{userEmail}/" sendBodyMode="ALWAYS" requestStreamingMode="AUTO">
                <http:body><![CDATA[#[%dw 2.0

output application/json


  "properties": [
      "property": "JobTitle",
      "value": payload.title
      "property": "firstname",
      "value": payload.firstname
      "property": "lastname",
      "value": payload.lastname
      "property": "website",
      "value": ""
      "property": "company",
      "value": "HubSpot"
      "property": "phone",
      "property": "address",
      "value": payload.mailingstreet
      "property": "city",
      "value": payload.mailingcity
      "property": "state",
      "value": payload.mailingstate
      "property": "zip",
      "value": payload.mailingpostalcode
                <http:headers><![CDATA[#[output application/java
    "Host" : "",
    "Content-Type" : "application/json"
                <http:uri-params><![CDATA[#[output application/java
    "userEmail" :
                <http:query-params><![CDATA[#[output application/java
    "hapikey" : "************"
                    <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="531d9bdf-3eca-4159-88b4-6ab86016927b" message="#[message.payload] #[message.attributes]" />


  • If you set maxFailedRecords to -1 (docs), then records that result in a mule error (like HTTP:BAD_REQUEST) can be handled in a subsequent batch step that uses acceptPolicy=ONLY_FAILURES (docs). There you can handle them one at a time or all together using a Batch Aggregator.