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How do I toggle verbose mode for all commands inside tox.ini in a simpler way?

Let us say I have a lot of commands inside my tox.ini

commands =
        poetry install -v
        poetry run pytest --typeguard-packages=news --xdoctest --cov -vv
        poetry run flake8 --verbose
        poetry run black src tests --verbose
        poetry run isort . --verbose
        poetry run bandit src --recursive --verbose
        poetry run mypy src --verbose
        poetry run darglint src --verbosity=2
        poetry run darglint tests --verbosity=2

Instead of repeating verbose everywhere, is there a way I can make all of them run with/without verbose in a simpler way?

For example, if I ran

poetry run tox

it runs everything without verbose, if I remove the --verbose flag from everywhere but how do I make tox run all commands with verbose without hardcoding the verbose flag?


  • No, there is no simpler way, as you can see that the commands take different arguments to run in verbose mode.

    If all commands would take the same arguments, e.g. --verbose, you could do something like...

    commands =
            poetry install {posargs}
            poetry run pytest --typeguard-packages=news --xdoctest --cov {posargs}
            poetry run flake8 {posargs}
            poetry run black src tests {posargs}

    and then run

    tox -e lint -- --verbose

    That said... "there is no way" is a lie.

    You could create a bash script and run that as a tox command instead of your current list.

    P.S.: I am one of the tox maintainers, but not a bash guy :-) So good luck with that.

    P.P.S.: Out of scope of this question, but you could have a look at - this is the way most Python projects I know run linters nowadays.

    P.P.P.S.: You could copy/paste your env, one time with and one time without the verbose mode.