I want to use block.settings.product_1
up to number 6 without repeating my code. Below is my code with schema. I use for loop for that but its not working.
{% for block in section.blocks %}
{% for i in (1..4) %}
{% assign pro = block.settings.product_| append: i %}
{% assign pro1 = pro | remove:'"' %}
{{ pro1 }}
{% assign product1 = all_products[pro1] %}
{ product1.title | strip_html}}
{% schema %}
"blocks": [
"type": "WholeSale",
"name": "WholeSale",
"settings": [
"type": "product",
"label": "product1",
"id": "product_1"
"type": "product",
"label": "product2",
"id": "product_2"
"type": "product",
"label": "product3",
"id": "product_3"
"type": "product",
"label": "product4",
"id": "product_4"
{% endschema %}
Instead of adding pipe line after the block.settings
I use square bracket. Now it's working.
{% for block in section.blocks %}
{% for i in (1..4) %}
{% assign produ_name = 'product_' | append: i %}
{% assign var_pro = block.settings[produ_name] %}
{% assign product1 = all_products[var_pro] %}
{{ product1.title }}