I have many strings similar to "Edit the file `my-file.conf`"
and I want to change them to "Edit the `my-file.conf` file"
. Note that the file names are in backticks and not single quotes (I couldn't see how to illustrate that in this editor). I've tried numerous alternatives but always seem to get hung up on the backticks. Can anyone help me out? Thanks.
I've been meaning to create some clean functions to do this (maybe someone else will provide them), but for now I have the following (hacky) remaps in my vimrc:
" use [w and ]w and [W and ]W to exchange a word/WORD under the cursor with
" the prev/next one
nnoremap ]w mx$ox<ESC>kJ`xdawhelphmx$"_daw`xh
nnoremap ]W mx$ox<ESC>kJ`xdaWElphmx$"_daw`xh
nnoremap [w mx$ox<ESC>kJ`xdawbPhmx$"_daw`xh
nnoremap [W mx$ox<ESC>kJ`xdaWBPhmx$"_daw`xh
" apply the repeat plugin to any mapping
function! Repeat(mapname, map, command)
execute 'nnoremap <silent> <Plug>'.a:mapname.' '.a:command.
\' :call repeat#set("\<Plug>'.a:mapname.'")<CR>'
execute 'nmap '.a:map.' <Plug>'.a:mapname
" use [w and ]w and [W and ]W to exchange a word/WORD under the cursor with
" the prev/next one
call Repeat('WordForward', ']w', 'mx$ox<ESC>kJ`xdawhelphmx$"_daw`xh')
call Repeat('WORDForward', ']W', 'mx$ox<ESC>kJ`xdaWElphmx$"_daw`xh')
call Repeat('WordBackward', '[w', 'mx$ox<ESC>kJ`xdawbPhmx$"_daw`xh')
call Repeat('WORDBackward', '[W', 'mx$ox<ESC>kJ`xdaWBPhmx$"_daw`xh')