To test our website and react native mobile app, we have created a hybrid framework using and We currently have separate feature files for the same functionality on both the web and mobile.
E.g In Mobile_getMembersDetails.feature
Scenario: As a user, I can see the list of members on the home screen
When I am on the home screen
Then I can see the members list on mobile home screen
In the corresponding step implementation is
@when(/^I am on the home screen$/)
public async whenIamOnHomeScreen() {
await mobileLandingPage.clickContinueButton();
await mobileHomePage.clickAllowButton();
expect(await mobileHomePage.isHeaderDisplayed()).toBe(true);
@then(/^I should see the members list on mobile home screen$/)
public async thenIshouldSeeMemberslistOnMobileHomeScreen() {
expect(await mobileHomePage.isMemberListIsDisplayed());
In Web_getMembersDetails.feature
Scenario: As a user, I can see the list of members on the home page
When I am on the home page
Then I can see the members list on web home page
In the corresponding step implementation is
@when(/^I am on the home page$/)
public async whenIamOnHomePage() {;
expect(await webHomePage.isPageLoaded()).toBe(true);
@then(/^I can see the members list on web home page$/)
public async thenIshouldSeeMemberslistOnWebHomePage() {
expect(await webHomePage.isMemberListIsDisplayed()).toBe(true);
Even though the functionality is the same, the navigation and implementation for web and mobile are different. What is the best way to do this as a single feature file and step? We were thinking of adding @web and @mobile tags, then deciding which type of test to run based on the execution command. However, this Leeds to many if else conditions and steps will become more complex. Or having one feature file is not an good idea ? Thanks
@web @mobile
Scenario: As a user, I can see the list of members on the home page
When I am on the home page
Then I can see the members list on web home page
Proposed step implementation is
@when(/^I am on the home page$/)
public async whenIamOnHomePage() {
await mobileLandingPage.clickContinueButton();
await mobileHomePage.clickAllowButton();
expect(await mobileHomePage.isHeaderDisplayed()).toBe(true);
}else {;
expect(await webHomePage.isPageLoaded()).toBe(true);
@then(/^I can see the members list on web home page$/)
public async thenIshouldSeeMemberslistOnWebHomePage() {
expect(await mobileHomePage.isMemberListIsDisplayed());
expect(await webHomePage.isMemberListIsDisplayed()).toBe(true);
Instead of defining a mobileHomePage
and webHomePage
would define a single homePage
. Then when instantiating the homePage
you check what kind of web driver you have.
homePage = new MobileHomePage(driver);
homePage = new WebHomePage(driver);
Now you only have to check once for each page. E.g:
@when(/^I am on the home page$/)
public async whenIamOnHomePage() {
expect(await homePage.isPageDisplayed()).toBe(true);
@then(/^I can see the members list on web home page$/)
public async thenIshouldSeeMemberslistOnWebHomePage() {
expect(await homePage.isMemberListIsDisplayed()).toBe(true);
This does require that MobileHomePage
and WebHomePage
implement the same HomePage
interface. So to make your whenIamOnHomePage
step possible you'll have to implement a openHomePage
that either goes from the mobile landing page, to the home page, or directly opens the web home page. And something similar applies to isPageDisplayed