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Add 3 decimal places to everywhere except minicart, cart and checkout Woocommerce

I have come across issue where I want to show 3 decimal places everywhere on the site except cart, checkout and minicart. For that I have added this code to my functions.php file.

add_filter( 'wc_get_price_decimals' , 'custom_price_decimals', 20, 1 );
function custom_price_decimals( $decimals ) {
    if( is_checkout() || is_page( 'cart' ) || is_cart() ) {
        $decimals = 2;
    } else{
        $decimals = 3;
    return $decimals;

It shows the results on cart and checkout with 2 decimal places and the rest of the site 3 decimal places. The issue here is that because mini-cart.php isn't on separate page it will show prices with 3 decimals places instead of 2. Can anyone suggest me a workaround because I am not seeing one. Cheers!


  • When you have a look into cart/mini-cart.php of the WC templates, you will find this line:

    apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_price', WC()->cart->get_product_price( $_product ), $cart_item, $cart_item_key );

    So, if you want to make sure you only have 2 decimals inside the minicart, where this filter is applied, you can add a custom filter and apply your logic to only keep 2 decimals, for example using the wc price formatting function wc_price:

        hook_name: 'woocommerce_cart_item_price',
        accepted_args: 3,
        callback: function (string $price, array $item, string $key): string {
            return wc_price(
                price: $item['data']->get_price(),
                args: [ 'decimals' => 2 ],
    • Note, I did not test the snippet.
    • Also note that named function arguments require at least PHP 8

    Lower than PHP 8:

        function (string $price, array $item, string $key): string {
            return wc_price(
                [ 'decimals' => 2 ],