I have a React project and installed mock server with json-server node module.
(For your note: Here is the json-server documentation for better understanding. [link]1)
I can start mock server with npm script [npm run mock].
After run the script, mock server start working with this link: localhost:3000.
This react project is working well on local environment.
Now I am going to deploy react project on vercel.
But I have no idea for start mock server on vercel.
How can I start mock server on vercel?
Here is the scripts of package.json file for the application.
"scripts": {
"start": "PORT=3001 react-scripts start",
"build": "react-scripts build",
"test": "react-scripts test",
"eject": "react-scripts eject",
"mock": "json-server --watch src/mock/db.json",
"preinstall": "npm install --package-lock-only --ignore-scripts && npx npm-force-resolutions"
Please ask me more information what you want to check.
I had a similar issue and this article save my life.
Instead of deploying together with my React project, I deploy JSON Server as a separate mock server.
First of all, you need to create a server.js
to run JSON Server as a module.
Reference: https://github.com/typicode/json-server#module
At the end of the file, export server
in order for Vercel to turn Express into a serverless function
// Export the Express API
module.exports = server;
Last but not least, create a vercel.json
in order to deploy to Vercel.
Here are my scripts for your reference purpose: https://github.com/kitloong/json-server-vercel