I am very new to Robot framework and trying to print the value which is not common:
$list1= ['test1','test2','test3','test4'] $list2= ['test1','test2','test3','test4','test5']
${difference}= $list2-$list1 log to console ${difference}
Here is a possible example for the difference keyword:
*** Settings ***
Library Collections
*** Test Cases ***
Difference of lists
@{list1}= Create List test1 test2 test3 test4
@{list2}= Create List test1 test2 test3 test4 test5
@{list3}= Create List test4 test3 test1 test2
${diff_list}= List Difference ${list1} ${list2}
Log Many @{diff_list}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${diff_list} ['test5']
${diff_list}= List Difference ${list1} ${list3}
Log Many @{diff_list}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${diff_list} []
*** Keywords ***
List Difference
[Arguments] ${arg1} ${arg2}
@{new_list}= Create List @{arg1} @{arg2}
FOR ${item} IN @{arg1}
Remove Values From List ${new_list} ${item}
RETURN ${new_list}