I'm trying to make use of circe for json parsing in scala. Can you please help me parse 'pocs' from the data in the case class as well? here is the code:
import io.circe.Decoder
import io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveDecoder
import io.circe.parser
val json: String =
"segmements": [
"tableName": "X",
"segmentName": "XX",
"pocs": [
"tableName": "Y",
"segmentName": "YY",
"pocs": [
final case class TableInfo(tableName: String, segmentName: String)
object TableInfo {
implicit final val TableInfoDecoder: Decoder[TableInfo] = deriveDecoder
val result = for {
data <- parser.parse(json)
obj <- data.asObject.toRight(left = new Exception("Data was not an object"))
segmements <- obj("segmements").toRight(left = new Exception("Json didn't had the
segments key"))
r <- segmements.as[List[TableInfo]]
} yield r
scastie link: https://scastie.scala-lang.org/BalmungSan/eVEvBulOQwGzg5hIJroAoQ/3
Just add parameter typed as collection of String
final case class TableInfo(tableName: String, segmentName: String, pocs: Seq[String])