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Get Possible Order Date Based On Multiple Conditions

I can't wrap my head around this particular problem.

There is a bakery, and an office that accepts orders.

Bakery is open from Monday to Sunday, it's only closed during public holidays.

Orders can be placed from Monday to Friday unless it's a public holiday i.e. the office is open during working days.

We also need to distinguish if the user managed to order goods before or after a particular time, let's say 12:00.

A few examples:

  1. It's 22.7.2022 (Friday) at 10:00 - orders can be placed for the following days Saturday(23.7), Sunday(24.7), Monday(25.7), etc.
  2. It's 22.7.2022 (Friday) at 13:00 - orders can be placed for the following days Tuesday(26.7), Wednesday(27.7), Thursday(28.7), etc.
  3. It's 20.7.2022 (Wednesday) at 10:00 - orders can be placed for the following days Thursday(21.7), Friday(22.7), Saturday(23.7), etc.
  4. It's 20.7.2022 (Wednesday) at 13:00 - orders can be placed for the following days Friday(22.7), Saturday(23.7), Sunday(24.7), etc.
  5. It's 23.7.2022 (Saturday) and 24.7.2022 (Sunday) anytime - orders can be placed for the following days Tuesday(26.7), Wednesday(27.7), Thursday(28.7), etc.
  6. It's 26.7.2022 (Monday) at 10:00 and 27.7(Tuesday) and 28.7(Wednesday) are public holidays - orders can be placed for the following days Thursday(28.7), Friday(29.7), Saturday(30.7), etc.
  7. It's 26.7.2022 (Monday) at 13:00 and 27.7(Tuesday) and 28.7(Wednesday) are public holidays - orders can be placed for the following days Friday(29.7), Saturday(30.7), Sunday(31.7), etc.

This is what I've got so far, but the code isn't working as expected.

function freeDays()
    return array(
        '01.01' // Den obnovy českého státu, Nový rok.
    , date('d.m', strtotime("-2 day", easter_date(date('Y')))) // Velký pátek
    , date('d.m', strtotime("+1 day", easter_date(date('Y')))) // Velikonoční pondělí
    ,'01.05' // Svátek práce
    ,'08.05' // Den vítězství
    ,'05.07' // Cyrila a Metoděj
    ,'06.07' // Jan Hus
    ,'28.09' // Den české státnosti
    ,'28.10' // Vznik samostatného československého státu
    ,'17.11' // Den boje za svobodu a demokracii
    ,'24.12' // Štědrý den
    ,'25.12' // 1. svátek vánoční
    ,'26.12' // 2. svátek vánoční
    ,'31.12' // Silvestr

function bakeryClosedDays()
    return array(
        '01.01' // Den obnovy českého státu, Nový rok.
    , date('d.m', strtotime("+1 day", easter_date(date('Y')))) // Velikonoční pondělí
    ,'08.05' // Den vítězství
    ,'28.09' // Den české státnosti
    ,'28.10' // Vznik samostatného československého státu
    ,'17.11' // Den boje za svobodu a demokracii
    ,'25.12' // 1. svátek vánoční
    ,'26.12' // 2. svátek vánoční

    ,'23.07' // TEST
//    ,'24.07' // TEST
//    ,'25.07' // TEST
//    ,'26.07' // TEST
//    ,'28.07' // TEST

function isFreeDay($timestamp)
    return in_array(date('d.m', $timestamp), freeDays());

function isBakeryClosed($timestamp)
    return in_array(date('d.m', $timestamp), bakeryClosedDays());

function isFriday($timestamp)
    return date("N", $timestamp) == 5;

function isDeadline($timestamp)
    return (int)date('H', $timestamp) >= 12;

function isWeekend($timestamp)
    return date('N', $timestamp) >= 6;

function isToday($timestamp)
    return  date('d.m.Y') == date('d.m.Y', $timestamp) ;

function resetHours($timestamp)
    return strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $timestamp));

function getOrderDay($timestamp, $postpone_order = false)
    if ($postpone_order) {
        $timestamp = strtotime("+1 day", $timestamp);

    if (isWeekend($timestamp)) {
        return getOrderDay(strtotime("next Tuesday", $timestamp));

    if (isFriday($timestamp) && isDeadline($timestamp)) {
        return getOrderDay(strtotime("next Tuesday", $timestamp));

    if(isBakeryClosed($timestamp)) {
        return getOrderDay(strtotime("+2 day", $timestamp));

    if(isFreeDay($timestamp)) {
        return getOrderDay(strtotime("+1 day", $timestamp));

    if (isDeadline($timestamp)) {
        return strtotime("+2 day", $timestamp);

    return $timestamp;

$start_timestamp = strtotime('22.07.2022 10:00:00');

print_r(date('d.m.Y H:i:s', getOrderDay($start_timestamp)));

// weekday before 12 +1 day
// weekday after 12 +2 days
// red-letter day +2 days
// saturday-sunday +2 days


  • enter image description here

    I'd like to share my own solution, which I ended up with.

    Maybe, it'll help someone in the future.

    What helped me a ton was drawing all the possible combinations in graphs, then everything became much clearer and easier.

    I think most of the code is self-explanatory, I tried to be as verbose with the function names and variables as possible.

    function publicHolidays()
        return array(
            '01.01' // Den obnovy českého státu, Nový rok.
        , date('d.m', strtotime("-2 day", easter_date(date('Y')))) // Velký pátek
        , date('d.m', strtotime("+1 day", easter_date(date('Y')))) // Velikonoční pondělí
        ,'01.05' // Svátek práce
        ,'08.05' // Den vítězství
        ,'05.07' // Cyrila a Metoděj
        ,'06.07' // Jan Hus
        ,'28.09' // Den české státnosti
        ,'28.10' // Vznik samostatného československého státu
        ,'17.11' // Den boje za svobodu a demokracii
        ,'24.12' // Štědrý den
        ,'25.12' // 1. svátek vánoční
        ,'26.12' // 2. svátek vánoční
        ,'31.12' // Silvestr
    function bakeryClosedDays()
        return array(
            '01.01' // Den obnovy českého státu, Nový rok.
        , date('d.m', strtotime("+1 day", easter_date(date('Y')))) // Velikonoční pondělí
        ,'08.05' // Den vítězství
        ,'28.09' // Den české státnosti
        ,'28.10' // Vznik samostatného československého státu
        ,'17.11' // Den boje za svobodu a demokracii
        ,'25.12' // 1. svátek vánoční
        ,'26.12' // 2. svátek vánoční
    //    ,'19.07' // UT - TEST
    //    ,'20.07' // ST - TEST
        ,'22.07' // PA - TEST
    //    ,'23.07' // SO - TEST
    //    ,'25.07' // PO - TEST
        ,'26.07' // TEST
    //    ,'27.07' // TEST
    //    ,'25.07' // TEST
    //    ,'26.07' // TEST
    //    ,'28.07' // TEST
    function isPublicHoliday($timestamp)
        return in_array(date('d.m', $timestamp), publicHolidays());
    function isBakeryClosed($timestamp)
        return in_array(date('d.m', $timestamp), bakeryClosedDays());
    function isAfterOrderHour($timestamp)
        return (int)date('H', $timestamp) >= 12;
    function isWeekend($timestamp)
        return date('N', $timestamp) >= 6;
    function isWorkingDay($timestamp)
        if (isWeekend($timestamp)) {
            return false;
        if (isBakeryClosed($timestamp)) {
            return false;
        if (isPublicHoliday($timestamp)) {
            return false;
        return true;
    function getNextWorkingDay($timestamp)
        do {
            $timestamp = strtotime('+1 day', $timestamp);
        } while(!isWorkingDay($timestamp));
        return $timestamp;
    function getOrderDayTimestamp($orderTimestamp)
        if (isAfterOrderHour($orderTimestamp) || !isWorkingDay($orderTimestamp)) {
            $nextOrderOfficeProcessingTimestamp = getNextWorkingDay($orderTimestamp);
            $nextOrderTimestamp = $nextOrderOfficeProcessingTimestamp;
            do {
                $nextOrderTimestamp = strtotime('+1 day', $nextOrderTimestamp);
            } while(isBakeryClosed($nextOrderTimestamp));
            return $nextOrderTimestamp;
        $nextOrderTimestamp = $orderTimestamp;
        do {
            $nextOrderTimestamp = strtotime('+1 day', $nextOrderTimestamp);
        } while(isBakeryClosed($nextOrderTimestamp));
        return $nextOrderTimestamp;
    $orderTimestamp = strtotime('21.07.2022 10:00:00');
    printf("Chosen day | %s", date('l - d.m.Y H:i', $orderTimestamp));
    echo "\n";
    printf("Future order | %s", date('l - d.m.Y H:i', getOrderDayTimestamp($orderTimestamp)));
    echo "\n";
    echo "\n";
    echo "\n";
    echo "\n";
    echo "\n";
    echo "\n";
    // weekday before 12 +1 day
    // weekday after 12 +2 days
    // red-letter day +2 days
    // saturday-sunday +2 days