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Temporal, How to get RunID while being inside a workflow to terminate the current workflow?

I am trying to test a temporal, here is what I have tried so far

func (h *Temporal) Notification(ctx workflow.Context, activityType string, sleep time.Duration) (TemporalResult, error) { //Response must have error
    ao := workflow.ActivityOptions{
        StartToCloseTimeout: time.Hour * 1000,
        HeartbeatTimeout:    time.Hour * 1000,
    ctx = workflow.WithActivityOptions(ctx, ao)

    if 1=1 {
        c.TerminateWorkflow(context.Background(), WORKFLOW_ID, RUN_ID )
    } else {
        workflow.Sleep(ctx, sleep)
        var result workflow.Future
        result = workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, h.SimpleActivity)
        return yourActivityResult, nil


In side the workflow, I want to have a condition where it could terminate the current workflow. But I do not know how to get WORKFLOW_ID and RUN_ID inside a workflow


  • You can get the current executions run id via:


    Workflow id:


    To terminate you could invoke activity (pass in this info) which can use client api to terminate the workflow.