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How to modulate the size of the nodes of a network analysis with a certain value for each edge?

in the current graph the size of the nodes is given by the "count" of the arcs (e.g. node a going to a and b will be larger than the other two nodes that have no arcs to other nodes). the excel file is composed as follows:

  • column 0 (date[0]) = value of the oriented arc
  • column 1 (data[1]) = node a (node from where the oriented arc starts)
  • column 2 (data[2]) = node b (node from where the directed arc arrives)


import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xlrd

file = '/a/example.xlsx'

G= nx.DiGraph()
nations = []

book = xlrd.open_workbook(file)

for row in range(sheet.nrows):
    data= sheet.row_slice(row)
    Orig = data[1].value
    Bene = data[2].value
    nations.append((Orig, Bene))
pos = nx.planar_layout(G)
betCent = nx.betweenness_centrality(G, normalized=True, endpoints=True)
node_colors = [20000.0* for v in G]
node_sizes =  [v*7000 for v in betCent.values()]
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos=pos, with_labels=True,
                 node_color = node_colors,
                 node_size = node_sizes)
nx.draw(G,with_labels= True, verticalalignment='bottom')

Here the sample dataset:

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'weight':['50'] * 4 + ['500'] * 5 + ['20'] * 3 + ['100'],
    'node a':['pippo', 'pippo', 'pippo', 'pluto', 'pippo', 'pippo',
             'pluto', 'topolino', 'qua', 'minnie', 'winnie', 'pippo', 'qua'],
    'node b':['pluto', 'qua', 'minnie', 'pluto', 'winnie', 'pippo',
             'pluto', 'topolino', 'qua', 'qua', 'pippo', 'qua', 'qua'],


  • Below I show, how to calculate the sum of edge weights of outgoing edges and scale the nodes accordingly:

    import networkx as nx
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame({
        'weight':['50'] * 4 + ['500'] * 5 + ['20'] * 3 + ['100'],
        'node a':['pippo', 'pippo', 'pippo', 'pluto', 'pippo', 'pippo',
                 'pluto', 'topolino', 'qua', 'minnie', 'winnie', 'pippo', 'qua'],
        'node b':['pluto', 'qua', 'minnie', 'pluto', 'winnie', 'pippo',
                 'pluto', 'topolino', 'qua', 'qua', 'pippo', 'qua', 'qua'],
    G= nx.DiGraph()
    nations = []
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        Orig = row[1]
        Bene = row[2]
        weight = float(row[0]) 
        #add the wight of each edge as an attribute 
        nations.append((Orig, Bene, {'weight':weight}))
    #generate Graph
    #iterate over nodes and sum the weight of their outgoing edges, save on graph as node attribute
    nodes_weight = {}
    for n in G.nodes():
        nodes_weight[n]={'node_weight':sum([d['weight'] for o,b,d in G.out_edges(n, data=True)])}
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, nodes_weight)  
    #draw graph
    pos = nx.planar_layout(G)
    #calculate node size from attribute
    node_sizes =  [v*2 for v in list(nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'node_weight').values())]
    #similar if you want to change edge sizes
    edge_sizes = [v/200 for v in list(nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'weight').values())]
    nx.draw_networkx(G, pos=pos, with_labels=True,
                     width = edge_sizes,
                     node_size = node_sizes)


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