I need the modal to open and then the for function to run but the modal won't open until the function is closed.
$("#myButton").bind('click', function () {
var selectedRows = $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('getselectedrowindexes');
var tableStr = "some html codes";
for (var a in selectedRows){
//some ajaxcodes look like
var jsonreq = new Object();
jsonreq.params = new Array();
jsonreq.params[0] ="a";
jsonreq.params[1] =""+b;
jsonreq.params[2] ="";
//some ajaxcodes like
$("#myModal").modal('show') line of code works but window opens at end of button function.
I need the modal to open and then the for function to run so we can see the changes
I find it. I had to use ajax synchronously, but modals are asynchronous by their nature. Modal didn't open or change until ajax ends. So I made the ajax function asynchronous and forced it to run as if it were synchronous.