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Deploy Oracle Apex app through different schema of database

I want to install apex app. I know of two ways to install any app.

  1. Importing export file via Apex designer interface from the same workspace
  2. Or, copy the app export file let's say f101.sql and execute that as script directly in SQL developer using the database Schema (which is connected to workspace)

I want to do something similar like 2, but instead of using same Schema, I want to use different Schema to execute script but install into the same workspace.

Example: f101.sql is app export of workspace finance_ws, which is connected to finance_schema of database. I have another schema deployment_schema. Could I execute f101.sql file in deployment_schema so that it gets deployed in finance_ws workspace?


  • deployment_schema should have APEX_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE assigned. Once assigned, we can deploy/execute any app through deployment_schema in any workspace which exist in that database