I'm developing a web page. I want to create an option to generate a .pdf file and allow the user to download it.
Currently I'm using jsPDF but I'm finding it very hard to properly format the document.
I was hoping to find a new way of building it in markdown format, compile it and then download it.
Is there a way that I can do this, in node.js, where say, I have a string in memory (which is the markdown text format), compile that into a pdf and then download it from the page?
I haven't found any package that really does this, if you know, feel free to just let me know which one can achieve this and I'll figure it out.
For such a thing, I recommend building your .pdf file first a HTML file, so you could edit it easily (hardcoded or dynamicaly) then convert your html file to .pdf file. there is alot of packages to do this
have a closer look on this package https://www.npmjs.com/package/html-pdf-node