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What is the use of i in `printf("%d\n",(a->ptr)[i]);`?

Hey guys I am currently learning DSA and in ADT I have a problem: This is a code that creates a custom array and takes the input of the array and stores it and prints it too but I want to ask that what does that [i] do in printf("%d\n",(a->ptr)[i]); that thing is what I am not getting in this code


struct myArray{
    int total_size;
    int used_size;
    int *ptr;

void createArray(struct myArray * a,int tSize,int uSize)
    a->total_size = tSize;
    a->used_size = uSize;
    a->ptr = (int *) malloc(tSize * sizeof(int));

void show(struct myArray * a){
    for(int i=0; i < a->used_size; i++){

void setVal(struct myArray * a){
    int n;
    for(int i=0; i < a->used_size; i++){
        printf("Enter Element %d: ", i);
        (a->ptr)[i] = n;

int main(){
    struct myArray marks;
    printf("We are running setVal now\n");

    printf("We are running show now\n");
    return 0;


  • The data member ptr points to a dynamically allocated array

    a->ptr = (int *) malloc(tSize * sizeof(int));

    To access elements of the array you can use the subscript operator


    To make it more clear consider the following code snippet.

    enum { N = 10 };
    int *ptr = malloc( N * sizeof( int ) );
    for ( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
        ptr[i] = i;

    The difference with the original code is the pointer ptr is a data member of a structure and to access ptr using a pointer to an object of the structure type you have to change in the code above the expression



    ( a->ptr )[i]

    that is the same as


    because there are used the postfix operator -> and [] that evaluates left to right.