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Can't figure out the proper class relationships

I am not experienced in making class diagrams so I decided to post here to get some help.

Problems with the following diagram:

  1. Can't figure out the relationship I need in order to have a HumanManager only exist if its assigned a User.
  2. Don't know if the relationship I have created between the TeamStats class and the Teams and Leagues is the best one

Football Manager Class Diagram:

enter image description here

Can someone help me out with understanding what I need to do and clarify what I am doing wrong here?


    1. I would suggest you use something like a coupling/registration table to assign the HumanManager to the user, since the humanmanager can be assigned to more users and perhaps there can be more managers assigned to the same user. So this way you are on the safe side. This way you can possibly make a field 'managertype' and remove the robotmanager table.

    enter image description here

    1. This will work. Only watch the Fixture, because one fixture may apply to more then one team. So make this a many to many relationship.I would end up with something like this: But you can iterate on this, and dont forget about the PK FK relations. enter image description here