Essentially I would like to alternate the background colors of rows created by the ForEach
below, that I will put into a ScrollView
in the order of e.g. white, gray, white, gray, etc.
How can this be done?
@State var posts: [Item] = []
@State var expanded = false
@State var totalRows = 0
ForEach(posts.prefix(expanded ? totalRows : 5), id: \.id) { post in
Label {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.padding(.leading, 8)
} icon: {}
.frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width - 35, height: 85, alignment: .leading)
.background(Color("cellColor")) //<-- Currently Setting Color Here
Try something like this:
List { // <-- here
ForEach(Array(posts.prefix(expanded ? totalRows : 5).enumerated()), id: \.0) { index, post in // <-- here
VStack {
Label {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.padding(.leading, 8)
} icon: {}
.listRowBackground(index % 2 == 0 ? Color.gray : Color.white) // <-- here
.frame(width: 333, height: 444, alignment: .leading) // <-- for testing
If you want to use a ScrollView
instead of a List
, use .background(index % 2 == 0 ? Color.gray : Color.white)
of the .listRowBackground(...)
Note, with minor adjustments you can also use .indices
instead of .enumerated()