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how can i solve the problem with slash im discord.js?

my bot worked until yesterday, but I updated it and put some new commands and now this error appears ,when I click for my bot to start this error appears: Reason: DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body 2.options[0].type[NUMBER_TYPE_COERCE]: Value "integer" is not int. and this appears in all bot slashed commands

here the codes of one of the bot screens:

const { getVoiceConnection } = require("@discordjs/voice");
module.exports = {
name: "volume",
description: "Changes the Volume of the Music",
options: [
  name: "volume",
  description: "Then Volume you want to set",
  type: "INTEGER",
  required: true,
run: async (client, interaction, args, prefix) => {
if (!interaction.member.voice.channelId)
  return interaction
      ephemeral: true,
      content: "👎 **Please join a Voice-Channel first!**",
    .catch(() => null);
// get an old connection
const oldConnection = getVoiceConnection(;
if (!oldConnection)
  return interaction.reply({
    ephemeral: true,
    content: "👎 **I'm not connected somewhere!**",
if (
  oldConnection &&
  oldConnection.joinConfig.channelId != interaction.member.voice.channelId
  return interaction
      ephemeral: true,
      content: "👎 **We are not in the same Voice-Channel**!",
    .catch(() => null);

const queue = client.queues.get(; // get the queue
if (!queue) {
  return interaction.reply({
    ephemeral: true,
    content: `👎 **Nothing playing right now**`,
if (
  !args[0] ||
  isNaN(args[0]) ||
  Number(args[0]) < 1 ||
  Number(args[0]) > 150
  return interaction
      ephemeral: true,
      content: `👎 **No __valid__ Volume between 1 and 100 % provided!** Usage: \`${prefix}volume 25\``,
    .catch(() => null);
const volume = Number(args[0]);
queue.volume = volume;

// change the volume
  volume / 100

return interaction
    ephemeral: false,
    content: `🔊 **Successfully changed the Volume to \`${volume}%\`**`,
  .catch(() => null);


  • You have to use the enums in v14. In this case, ApplicationCommandOptionType

    const { ApplicationCommandOptionType } = require("discord.js")
    // ...
        // ...
        type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer