I am looking for a method to loops through using specifically az cli, in order to download for example secrets/keys. I already have an ideea of what I am trying to achieve, but I would like to do it through az cli and I can't seem to understand how to loops through, like a for loop to go through all the keys/secrets and download them locally. is there a way ? any sort of example would be useful. It must be in az cli.
Using Powershell
or Bash
you could always list all the secrets in a vault, iterate and backup.
Here is a Powershell sample:
$keyVaultName = "<key vault name>"
# list secrets in a vault
$secrets = az keyvault secret list `
--vault-name $keyVaultName `
| ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($secret in $secrets) {
# backup each secret
$filename = "$($secret.name).txt"
az keyvault secret backup `
--vault-name $keyVaultName `
--name $secret.name `
--file $filename